Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

"You are Clomid Failure"
"No follicular growth."

"85% of women with anovulation get pregnant with ovulation induction. You are in the 15% that won't."

"Endometriosis also lessens your chances."

I know, I've beaten this topic into the ground and six feet under. But seriously? Never in a million years did I think starting a family would be so damn difficult. I feel so broken, and I feel like I'm failing my husband. Not to mention all of the above statements? From a single appointment.

I keep telling myself it's okay, finding out these issues can only help because we know what we're dealing with. Each new issue we find is another step closer to helping me achieve our little miracle. It will happen. It WILL happen. Just keep swimming, and no I'm not referring to Toby, either.

In all honesty, I am feeling so much more confident since seeing this new doctor. He has been so helpful and so proactive in the month I've been seeing him. I was incredibly worried about my comfort level, being a male doctor and all, but surprisingly it has been much less than awkward than anticipated. Not to mention we have a set plan, and my feelings are actually considered. After each appointment we sit down together and have a consultation of what he sees and where to go from there.

Most importantly, rather than being told there is nothing left to do with me and leaving me to feel like less than a person, he reassures me that he is completely confident that it will happen for me. And for now, that's enough to keep my head above the water.