On April 26th we were blessed to find out our little miracle baby is in fact a boy! It wasn't too much of a surprise, Mommy and Daddy's intuition was spot on. However, it was the first ultrasound I teared up on, and it made everything seem so much more real. Maybe the fact that I'm about half way done also played a big part on that, since in less than 5 months we should have our little man in our arms!
So that said, what are little boys made of? Apparently nothing too horrible! It's actually been a relatively easy pregnancy so far. I've had no morning sickness, or afternoon or evening, no crazy cravings that I can't control, and I've only had a few mood swings so far! I've been blessed in the heartburn department, or lack of, and haven't blimped out like I feared I would. My only real problem has been migraines that come and stay as they please. Hopefully this is a sign of an easy going baby!
So what's next for us in the coming months? We decided to move, 6 months before our big move to Hawaii, so I a lot of packing and decluttering to get done. That will be nice when it comes to the "nesting" phase, but for now I have no idea where to start! We will also be starting the preparations for the big move, I'm sure. Paperwork, meetings, and relying on the military to get all of our things to us in a hopefully timely manner. Not sure I can handle another 6 months of waiting like our last move! Toby will be attending various classes and working away, it always seems they're busier during the summer months, and I will be holding down the fort! Jack will be soaking up the sun and start getting used to the idea of being big brother instead of only child, so let's all hope for a smoother transition there!
Overall it should be a fairly hectic summer, but I say bring it on! Just that much closer to meeting our newest addition once it's over.
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