Sunday, March 17, 2013

You are so beautiful, to me.

Remember when you were a little kid, and someone would tell you a secret? It felt like you held so much responsibility but it was always just too much to keep to yourself. You just HAD to tell someone!

Well, that's been our life since January 21st, 2013. We finally got what we've sought after for so long, our sweet miracle, those two pink lines.

If I'm being completely honest, I had woken up every day for at least a week to test. Anyone who knows me knows that patience is not something I'm great with! Try and try again, and still nothing. I was starting to get discouraged even though it was still so early, but I just kept testing. And finally, it was there. I saw a second line.

Poor hubby, 6 in the morning on a Sunday and his wife is screaming at him to wake up. It was such an amazing feeling, even with him half asleep, we couldn't believe our eyes! Of course, I did keep testing just to be sure. I think I had a total of about 8 tests on the back of the toilet at one point. You never know what sort of crazy lurks inside of you!

And now here we are, 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant and going strong. I've had 3 ultrasounds already and things are looking great, however we have had our share of scares. That plays a big part in why we have decided to wait so long to announce, along with the "too good to be true" feeling we've had. I almost think it would have been easier to find out later than we did, if it meant less stressing. Not to mention how slow time has been going!

So aside from here, we will be making it Facebook official tomorrow, but I just couldn't keep it in until then. For now, we'll just see how many friends and family really do read up on us!

Without further ado, Baby C would like to make his or her (we're thinking his!) first appearance to the world.

Our little miracle <3


  1. I am so excited for you! <3 Congratulations, Sternum buddy

  2. O...m...g...congratulations! HOLY CRAP GIRL! How exciting!!
