Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just the Beginning

April seems to hold so many milestones for us on our journey together! It's so hard to imagine that we've been a part of the Army for a year now. Not to mention Toby is soon so be promoted to an PFC. I feel like it's taken so long to get here, but at the same time it's going by so fast! Six months ago I married my best friend and moved across the country with him the following day. Without spontaneity, what would a relationship be? Nothing short of a very dull life, that's the only thing I'm sure of.

Moving from little Perrysburg, Ohio to the fast paced city of Olympia, Washington.

Land of the trees and home of the gray.

Who's idea was it to place Washington so far from Ohio? I'd like to have a very stern word with them. Ft. Lewis never even crossed our mind when looking at bases. In fact, I don't even think I knew one existed until we were stationed here. It's the hardest thing to live so far away from home, but the one perk? I'm living with my best friend. All I have to do is see him smiling at me, and I know we will be okay.

We have become so much better for each other since our move, but that's the beauty of marriage. You no longer rely on parents or other family members. You have to begin to rely solely on one another, and when all else fails love each other with every inch of yourself. Talk things over, cry if you have to, pray to God for any advice he can offer. The one thing unavailable? Running home to Mom, over 2000 some odd miles away.

Who knew that not two years after I graduated high school I would be not just married, but an Army wife. Definitely not me, the thought wouldn't have crossed my mind in a million years. But honestly? I'm okay with it. This is just the beginning of our journey with the military, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for us.


Tolmie State Park 4/8/2010

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